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Through the use of draping, I. am creating corsetry inspired pieces, which is another one of my chosen creative elements for my final collection. I will be creating four corset inspired pieces out of cotton canvas, and I am able to effectively mould each corset to the body through the use of draping. I am also using boning and underwire in order to shape the corset to the body even more.

I am going to be attaching elements of leather straps, harnesses, buckles and ropes and ties to the corsets. It is about expressing yourself and being daring enough to take risks. I see it as a real way to show off the beauty of the female form, while celebrating femininity and female empowerment. Whilst corsetry was originally designed to restrict women and has overtime become a symbol of oppression. I see it as a way to empower and celebrate women and a. way that they can explore their sexuality.

Corsetry can be seen as making women / the wearer feel trapped, suffocated or tied down. It’s like wearing a huge cage on your body and you can’t escape efficiently reflects my concept.

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